Thursday, 12 November 2015

Alternative Websites Of Google Ad-sense

Hello readers my name is USMAN SHAHID. and today i,m gonna tell you how you get earning instead of google adsense .When people make their website and blogs they rapidly want to to earn money from google adsense because they know google adsense give you a high paying ads of most popular companies of the world .some people make their website and then apply for google adsense with out working on their website or increasing the website traffic.when google adsense review or check you blog contents and visitor if the traffic of website is to low then the google adsense does't approved you blog or website for ads this is because google have a standard on world level and have a high rank website on internet or the rules of google adsense also have strict for some regions .In this case peoples search the websites which is alternating of google adsense for their blogs and website . And when their website or blogs become popular they were able to apply for google adsense and approved it for their websites. Now we will described some website which give you high paying in google adsense alternative but for this you must be make you website quality better and increase the traffic of your websites and blogs.
Now i described about some websites which give you high payed in alternative of Google adsense.

Media.Net :-
                      The first alternative website of adsense is which is the combination of contextual ads network and also work look like a Google adsense provide you ads according to your website or blogs contents .the rule of are also strict for all website because they give you ads of any size as you want and they also give you high paying of these ads only give those website which haves quality website and have high traffic.from you get payout of 100$ minimum from Paypal account .media net also check your traffic on alexa which is minimum 250 per day visitors other wise you'r unable to get ads .if you 5% traffic is from USA & UK you also easily get approved from .

Info Links :-
                      This advertisement also work as pay per click and this website or ads are good instead of google adsense because in this ads they make a content on  some text  and when the user mouse stay on these words the ads appear or rich text ads display and you get earn from info-links .Its very easy to approve your website on info-links and the revenue of info-links are also good after this you get payout from Paypal minimums 50$ and from bank wire or western union you get payout of 100$ minimum.

Final word :-
                          In this network you earning depend on the traffic of your blogs because if you are a professional workers or create a stylish website or give the original contents of your website now for you this is very useful network for advertising and very easy method of earning.

Chitika :-
                   This network also work in alternate of google adsense and you get these very easily but one thing about this i tell you that is not a good advertising website and you don't earn any type of money from this so keep avoiding from this and make your website professional and make able to apply for google adsense.I hope you like this share our posts and website with you friends and for any feedback you also contact us.




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