Monday, 2 November 2015

Check Your Removable Drives Expiry Date and Speed e.g USB & SD Card :-

             How You Check The Expiry Date and Speed Of Flash AND MEMORY CARDS

Hello Readers my name is Usman Shahid. Now Today  I,m telling You Some workable And mostly use-able internet tricks and Computer tricks.  Some people thinks that their USB and flash are always  work correctly and will not corrupt . but their thinking was wrong all devices have their expiry date flash and USB also have expiry dates. these devices have limits to read and write data in it . but the limit is in billion but one time its across their limit and expired .After full limits of USB and flash to read and write data in it they stop working and expired . Now the important thing is that you know well before saving the data in USB and Flash is that you know when was it expired and stop working .For thins purpose you don’t need to buy and install any type of software's . you need a tool or software "H2testw" which is free of cost and also available on internet and markets.

Today in market and computer shops there is number of fake memory cards, USB, and flashes . When  you buy any flash USB and memory card you need to check up its work or corrupted and how much space it have in it and the other problem is that after small period of using flash USB and memory cards their storage speed will become low after sometime and then it become like dead have no speed.
To recover this problem we introduced a new and latest tool which is make by germen developers name as "H2testw".
this tool is very easy to work and simple and you also does not need to install this tool on you computers and laptops systems."H2testw" this tool is only available in only two languages one is "German" and other is "English". when you start this tool you just select the English language. and then use it.

Open this tool and select the removable driver or flash USB or memory card drive which you want to check their expiry date. After selecting the target you need to select the space of you USB flash and memory card you want to check up. On my point of view the best way is that you select all the storage Mbyte of you removable drivers for this you just select the option of "All available Space" then the software check all the thing of USB or flash or memory card drivers but for this purpose you also need to Format you flash or USB data so first of all you copy your all data in a safe drives.

Now for starting test of you USB flash or memory card you need to click on the Write + Verify button . this step take some moments and after its complete they give you a reports about you remove able drive in which they asked you how much space you test , how much its Read speed and write speed. During  this action the H2W make an action file which you able to delete after its complete.

One of the important thing of that tool is that they also tell you about you memory card USB or flash drives Expiry date and erasing data in it and also tell you that the your drive is safe to save any type of data in it or Not.From this purpose you able to see how much will long you device work and you also save your data from losing .I hope you like our post and use it like us or share this on social media and keep enjoying ..



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